The power of stretching and flexibility training

In the world of sports, the importance of stretching and flexibility training for injury prevention and performance enhancement cannot be underestimated. Through regular stretching, athletes can improve their flexibility, warm up their muscles, and prepare their joints for stress. In this article, we will take a closer look at the benefits of stretching and flexibility […]

Entdecke die Geheimnisse deiner Körperzusammensetzung und verbessere deine Gesundheit!

Die Bedeutung der Körperanalyse für deine Gesundheit und Fitness Warum ist die Körperzusammensetzung wichtig? Deine Körperzusammensetzung ist ein entscheidender Faktor für deine Gesundheit und Fitness. Sie bezieht sich auf den Anteil von Fett, Muskeln, Knochen und anderen Geweben in deinem Körper. Eine genaue Analyse und ein Verständnis deiner Körperzusammensetzung können dir dabei helfen, deine Gesundheitsziele […]

Fit before and after pregnancy (

Are you pregnant or is your baby already here and you are wondering which training is best for you? For I have put together the top 10 tips for your fitness training during and after your pregnancy. Here is the article

Figure training (healthy & fit magazine, October 2019)

Buttocks plumper, stomach flatter, legs firmer and arms slimmer – if you want to achieve these body goals as quickly as possible, you should rely on a mix of high intensity and strength training. Fitness blogger Sara Dadic already swears by it. The workout was put together by personal trainer Alfredo Scarlata. With a mixture […]